Welcome / Bienvenidos
1434 NE 163rd Street North Miami Beach FL 33162

May 2021 - We Love to Help
This fundraising campaign will help us provide funding for foundation overhead, marketing, supplies, staffing and strategic planning are amongst the minimum items that will be funded through this campaign drive. Buying more food, operating the facility, and extending services is our goal this month and we need your support.
Just $20 per week will provide support for 1 family through our services
Your one-time payment of any amount will help us reach our goal. Our sponsor this month, D&B Computers, has helped us get to this point by enabling us to find folks like yourself that are willing to support our mission.
Here is our plan to provide support for 100 families in the month of May:
Will you help us reach our Fundraising Goal?
The Love To Help Foundation receives donations from local groceries, manufactures, retails stores, restaurants, and food drives. We assist and help feed hundreds of people per week and we love to do it! We also have sponsored events to distribute hot meals to the homeless and low-income families. Donations of clothing and other items are accepted and distributed to people in need.